From our research, we think just about any Georgia sun-loving or partial shade plant can live in a pot. The catch is to have good pots that are wide and deep for more volume of soil. Here think pots that are bigger than one-gallon size. This helps the soil not try out too quickly. Also, use proper potting soil and add in extra composted pine bark. Most of our sun-loving native plants tend to rot in plants rather than dry out. Try adding small empty plastic containers at the bottom of your pot for better drainage and to reduce weight. Gravel at the bottom of pots works really well, too, but rocks and gravel do make pots heavier. When you water your pots, keep pouring till water comes out of the bottom of the pots. Make sure the soil is saturating and that the water is not just running down the sides of the pot and out. Potting soil may need to be replenished every year as it does break down. Consider fertilizing your potted plants a few times over the growing season following standard potted plant label instructions. Do not spray insecticides on your plants or you will harm your beneficial insects, too. These are the insects we want on our plants to provide food for other trophic levels, other animals up the food chain like birds. If a plant becomes too large for a pot, if the roots fill the pot more than soil, it is time to bump the plant up to a bigger pot. Most Georgia native plant special planted in large pots (2 – 3 gallon size) should overwinter just fine outdoors unless we get some of those deep and sustained freezes way below zero. You may have to tuck the pots in with blankets or bring them indoors during this cold spell. One concern for native plants in pots over the winter is root rot. Go easy on the water in the winter. Put your finger down the inside edge of the pot and feel the soil. If it is moist, there’s no need to water. For more lessons on caring for potted plants, visit our friends at UGA Extension: